Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Personal Entry- On the Mend

Finally…she woke and we were able to talk at length. It was wondrous. For too long have I had to hold the hand of a wounded soul. For too long have I had to hope and pray that Death would overlook this one creature that I hold so dear to me. This evening was the first indication that Scarlet is finally recovering from her long ordeal. The relief washed over me look the first rush of fresh air when you land at a starport and remove your flight helmet. She asked what all she had missed…so much has changed, some good, some…Much, much worse. The war has escalated. Luckily, before she was bed-ridden, she put in paperwork to be put on leave. Thankfully this should afford her the opportunity to travel unfettered.

I bathed her gently, relishing the softness of her flesh once again. Focusing on the task at hand, I tempered the feelings rushing into my mind, our nights on the sorosub…
The doctor checked her stitches and said they were clean and were healing nicely. Thankfully, some good news. Her vitals fluctuated as she exerted strength and tried to move. She is still too unstable to get up. She will have to be patient.

Deomo has left to face his Fate with the pendant. Scarlet witnessed a hint of what he has asked me to do should he fail. I did not tell her as she does not need the worry at this time. A Zabrak scout who is an old friend of mine, came to the lab. He took both fingerprint and DNA samples from the incubation tube where Deomo was. It saddened my heart as he wistfully touched the glass. I was pained to see both a troubled father and a man backed into a corner by Fate. My promise to him shot to the forefront of my mind as he touched the glass…An opportunity that cannot be passed up. Should he not come looking for us, we can now go to him.


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