Monday, March 07, 2005

Personal Entry- Gratitude Fleeting

I wish I could say it is over, but it is not. Meela is safe, but Scarlet is hanging on by a thread. I cling to that thread with all of my being; trying to pull her back. Deomo will soon battle the pendant.

Deomo…kark him and his pendant…We had to wait 10 minutes for him to put away his weapon for safety reasons, and he dares tell me not to threaten? The hate and fear of the situation and the potential loss of his daughter prompted him to threaten any of us that moved. Once Meela was safe, he dares tell me not to threaten Dr. Narheen when she was clearly neglecting Scarlet? Kark him and his priorities. I understand him being relieved at Meela’s stability. My relief would have been noticed if I was not so concerned for Scarlet. He should have the decency and compassion to understand, as much as I have for him.

Every instinct yells at me to take him out of the equation. They always have. Were it not for Scarlet’s feelings for him initially, my realization of his humanity later, and now his love for his unborn daughter…I don’t know. Even I can see the humanity there. It wants to come out. Cauil could barely contain him when he was at his worst. I only hope he can learn to contain himself. If not, my hand will be forced to do so.



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