Monday, March 14, 2005

Personal Entry- Duty Calls, I Must Answer

I should have left the comm. off but as of late, certain events have me concerned. Theed was overrun by rebels briefly, and as I was passing through earlier, Vader himself landed in front of the starport. He glided from his transport with an air of authority that caused several people I knew to be covert rebels run. The novatroppers dispatched were frightening to most as well. It is unknown who served as a template for those clones. I would be curious to know, perhaps I will look into it.

I answered my comm. to hear the voice of someone that should be my subordinate. Due to my official rank, I am relegated to taking this protie’s orders. I was dispatched to a base to take it out. A base assault, interesting change of pace. Certainly, it is a far cry from the covert ops I normally find myself in. Instead of quietly slicing someone’s throat in an alley, this will be a full assault. I went to a reliable medic and received injections to enhance my endurance. I dusted off my composite armor…*smiles* Blood red…reminds me of the Dance of Death…To see her dance again…soon Tai’Shan, very soon.

A rode my speeder to the coordinates and stopped some distance to call Sloth and a trained Blurg to me. I peered at the base from my prone position on the hillside…hmmm…highest ranking officer: Captain, a lot of privates looking a bit scared…perhaps this is not the first attempt at taking them out. No matter, rank is the first to go…I slowly crawled a bit closer, kneeled and took aim with my Republic Blaster. Dodged…Great, one of those days…Troops came pouring out of the base, all either limping or poorly armed. Damn, three more captains…this may not be as easy as I would have thought. I changed my position, putting a house in between myself and the snipers. That cut my attackers in half. It was me, Sloth, and my blurg against 3 captains, 2 snipers, and about 10 privates that looked scared. My pets took care of them as I focused on the captains. Bodies began piling up around us. Simple…A waste of my time, but simple…After taking them out I circled to the snipers and ended their tour of duties quickly. As I stood over the corpses Zultan approached, an Imperial Commando. We began the base destruction sequence only to discover we were not properly trained to finish the sequence. We needed a Bioengineer to bypass the DNA lock and a bounty hunter to hack the uplink. Kark!! I am not trained for this. Why is my time being wasted on grunt work?

For years I have tried to keep Avios away from the War. Now, perhaps it is time. If I can get him under my command, my concern will be minimal. I can task my pets to guard him and keep my own eye on him at all times. Gods, what will Ebe think? It has been so long since I have seen her. The empire would have recruited him sooner or later and possibly, discovered his past. This may be the only chance we have for protecting it, and what I did to save him. Ebe will have to understand. Perhaps she will fight by our side. I know she has been spending time with some ranger acquaintances…Loves? I do not know yet…I can’t deal with that now. She must be able to lead her own life. We made our choice…It is just that…damn…Perhaps some base destruction missions are what I need to clear this from my head.


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