Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Personal Entry- Surprises

Finally, home…

I checked my comm. Messages and saw that a friend had collected my order together. I ran off to Corellia and picked it up. Outstanding!! Scar’let will be so surprised. Next stop was to swing by home. I met the mayor of Hendola and had him do a favor for me, for a friend; well obviously more than a friend but he is on a need to know basis, and frankly, he didn’t need to know the details. Better let it stay private that a rebel trooper is in love with an Imperial Officer, best for the both of us that way, for now at least.


We chatted a bit then his comm. went off. Ah, the life of a mayor; one aspect of my past that I do not miss. I was sure to give him a little something extra for his efforts and for the city, something never done to me. *chuckle*

I made my way to Dantooine and the temple. During my flight, Ebe commed me, wondering if I was available to be her wingman. Stupid question, of course…We had some troubles with her mission. It took several tries, and we even called another friend. It did not go well. We were outnumbered over and over again. Luckily, Ebe’s Eject button is in good working order. As much use as she got out of it last night, she may want to have the mechanics take a peak at it to be sure it isn’t worn out. *smile* As I was cleaning up the last little bits of rebels, and ensuring the remaining squad hyper-spaced out in one piece, I received a comm. from the Imperial Navy.

Prisoner transport? What the kark? Some high and mighty Lt. Col. is escorting a prisoner to…well I better not say…what a waste of my time. To think, I haven’t even had the chance to see Scar’let yet or review the Temple's communication logs.



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