Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Personal Entry- Love, Zabrak Species

*laughs* I understand neither of them. Both are unpredictable, yet can yeild such wonderful much has changed over the last several days...and much more is on the horizon...

Tai'Shan- *smiles* I have neither felt nor heard of anything as strong as the bond I have to this one Zabrak. I would go to the ends of the universe for her, and burn to the ground anyone that would wish her harm. We are, linked, yet we know nothing of each other. She does not, know of my history, my desires, or my intentions. No longer are they malicious towards the ones she loves. For they are as much a part of her as her soul. I see great strength in those eyes. However oftens it is shrouded with fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the calling of the wild, the feral, and fear of our inexplicable bond.

Brem- Brem is troubled by what lies over the horizon for him...interestingly enough, he has a human Tai'Shan as well, yet she has fallen ill. There were, complications during the last cloning process. I fear for her life and the result it will have on Brem. I sense...perceive a darkness about him. Normally, he would have already taken his last breath. His bond to my Tai'Shan prevents me from eliminating my problem, and now I must trust him as she does.

Deomo- I pity him. I have learned an interesting fact about his training in the Imperial Military...At times Zabrak are born with a mild genetic mutation, on the cellular level, that manifests itself in abnormally aggressive behavior. It is the Zabrak way to either abort these children post delivery or complete a set of rites to learn to control the calling. My Tai'shan contains this strain as Tai'Shen was taken from her home and hidden in a temple with monks that raised her. It appears the Empire realized Deomo contained the strain, and began to set plans in motion to clear his path towards us. The empire apparently had developed a way to implant a devic.....*****

***incoming comm message***
**priority urgent**
*From: Imperial Medical Staff, Theed, Naboo*

Maxell Snow, you are hereby ordered to report immediatly to the nearest Imperial Authority in order to be escorted safely to us. It is imperative that you comply with this directive. should you choose not to, we will be forced to contact the local authorities for your IMMEDIATE arrest.

***end message***


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